The Natural Black Truffle Salt That Can Cure Your Yeast Infection

There are several different types of black truffles. Black truffle is a fruiting body of an ascomycete (subterranean ascomycetes) fungus, primarily one of two main species, the Tuberculinum species or the Black Truffle. There are many others also, all of which are commonly called black truffles such as Geopora and Peziza. Although these species may be considered separate, the truth is that they all belong to the same family of mushrooms.

This fungus is actually a member of the anaerobic (oxygen-free) micro-organism family called the Ascomycota. Fungi that thrive in this kind of environment are called saprobic organisms, or those that "feed" on decaying organic matter. In the case of truffles, the food that they feed on is the dead skin cells of their host plant and other small animal and plant tissues. These "chewed up" pieces are then used as compost for the growth of more mushrooms, but what makes them unique is the black color of their exoskeletons.

The black truffle's black color has been a mystery to scientists and enthusiasts, until recently when a French biochemist, Dr. Pierre Chevreul, discovered what makes the mushroom's body dark. What he was able to do was to take an ordinary truffle that was not affected by a fungal infection and expose it to a fungal culture in order to determine what caused it to have it's color black. After he had discovered that the fungus causing it was the same one that causes blackheads, he isolated and named that fungus the "Candida Albicans", which is commonly referred to as the yeasts that cause acne.

The yeasts that live inside us all have a natural defense mechanism that is designed to fight off any invading pathogens. Candida is actually part of our normal flora inside our bodies, but over time, it becomes inactive and begins to cause problems. Eventually, the yeasts overgrow and form yeasts that are now "bad bacteria". These bad bacteria naturally try to kill off the good bacteria, thus the formation of a whitehead. that can form at the end of a whitehead.

But there are some healthy yeasts that are capable of competing with the bad and keeping them in check. One of these is known as the "friendly" yeasts, also known as "good antifungals". Antifungals are able to fight off the Candida yeast while keeping the beneficial yeasts from overgrowing. When these yeasts are kept under control, the bad yeasts die out. This helps to keep the yeast infection under control.

This is why the fungus that is often found in the black truffles is not a good antifungal fungus. It has evolved to help keep the friendly yeasts from overgrowing in the presence of this type of antifungal, allowing the yeasts to get a toe-hold so that they can help to keep the fungal infection under control.

The good news is that you can now get a natural remedy that can help to restore balance and allow your good and "friendly" yeasts to compete with the bad and fight off the fungus that is causing the black truffles, by using a natural truffle salt that is made by soaking dried black truffles into a solution of water and olive oil, the yeast will be killed. This will help to prevent the overgrowth and keep the yeast infection under control.

Using a natural black truffle salt will allow the yeasts to compete against the yeast in the olive oil and keep the good and "friendly" yeasts from overgrowing and allowing the yeasts to keep getting out of hand. You can take the proper steps to cure your black truffle infection this year by adding this natural remedy to your skin care routine.

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