How To Get Rid Of Possums?

Possums are a common problem in Sydney. They often enter homes and businesses through holes in the roof or walls, or by climbing trees and fences. Possums can also be a nuisance in gardens and yards, where they may eat plants or dig for grubs.

If you have a possum problem, the best solution is to call an expert possum removal service

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These services will safely and humanely remove the possums from your property and relocate them to a safe area.

There are a few things you can do to deter possums from entering your property:

  • Seal up any holes or openings in your roof or walls.
  • Trim tree branches away from your roof and walls.
  • Install possum proof fencing around your property.
  • Use motion activated lights or ultrasonic deterrents around the perimeter of your property. 
  • Keep your yard clean and free of debris. 

The possum is a rat sized marsupial which lives in the trees. Possums are often nocturnal, which makes them difficult to see during the day. They are also usually shy and will try to run away when they sense danger. It is illegal to remove a possum from your property as they are protected by government legislation, but you can call an expert possum catcher Sydney for advice on how best to deal with the situation.

If you have a possum on your property, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Possums are protected by law and must be handled by a trained professional.

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