Things to Do when you are Buying a Bonsai Tree

Have you been thinking about getting a bonsai tree? You have probably spent hours on Instagram and Pinterest looking for bonsai tree inspiration and checked out the displays at the local nursery. Now you are ready to bring your plant home, but before you make your purchase, there are certain things you need to do. What are they? Let’s take a look.

Not all bonsai trees are created equal

First and foremost, you should remember that there are different types of bonsai trees that exist and each requires different things in order to grow and thrive. Before you import bonsai from Japan, you should ensure that you have selected a variety that can survive in your climate and you have a proper place to keep it. For instance, if you get an indoor bonsai tree, make sure you can provide it with lots of humidity as well as artificial and natural light.

Look for a healthy bonsai tree

Similar to all plants, you want to get a healthy bonsai tree. In order to ensure you are choosing right, make sure the plant has a tapered and smooth trunk, bright green leaves that do not have any discoloration or spots and the foliage and branches should be symmetrical and proportionate. The tree should be stable and strong, with the roots showing slightly. Do not get a bonsai tree that has crisscrossed branches or roots.

Size is important

The bonsai tree can be anywhere between a few inches to six feet tall when fully grown, depending on which one you buy. Similar to the climate, you need to consider the size as well and get one that you can accommodate easily. If you are looking for a tree to enhance your backyard, you can pick a variety that grows big. The size is important because it determines how much attention, maintenance and water the plant needs.

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