Tips for Women Suffering From Lower Back Pain

Women are often portrayed as delicate creatures that can’t handle too much physical activity or strain. Unfortunately, this stereotype has consequences for women of all ages, but especially for those suffering from lower back pain. If you’re looking for the best Women physiotherapist, then check this out .

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Understand the Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common problem, particularly in women. The lower back is a area of the body that can be seriously injured if the correct precautions are not taken. In fact, according to the American College of Physicians, 85% of lower back pain cases are due to non-specific factors such as muscle strain or overuse. However, specific causes can include degenerative discs, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs.

Because of this variability in cause, treatment for lower back pain can also be variable. Some treatments may include physical therapy and/or medication, while others may require surgery. While there is no guaranteed cure for lower back pain, understanding the causes and taking steps to prevent future injury can help reduce your chances of suffering from this debilitating condition.

      Identify the Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common issue for women and can be caused by many factors. Here are some tips to help identify the symptoms of lower back pain and get relief:

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it might be indicative of lower back pain:

– stabbing or shooting pains down your leg or into your buttock

– aching, stiffness, or heaviness in your back, neck, or gluteus muscles

– difficulty moving your body freely or walking without assistance

– frequent urination due to pain in the urinary tract

Take note of any changes in mood or sleep patterns as these could also indicate a problem. If you’re suffering from chronic lower back pain, see a doctor for an evaluation.

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